For the 10.00am Parish Eucharist  for today click here


Sunday 21 July                8th Sunday after Trinity

Sunday 21 July                    8th Sunday after Trinity
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Ephesians 2:11-end
Mark 6:30-34. 53-end
Psalm 23

Sunday 28 July                    9th Sunday after Trinity
2 Kings 4:42-end
Ephesians 3:14-end
John 6:1-21
Psalm 145
Merciful God,
we entrust to your tender care
those who are ill or in pain,
knowing that whenever danger threatens
your everlasting arms
are there to hold them safe.
Comfort and heal them,
and restore them to health and strength;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The sick:-
Janice, Alex, Liz, Clive, Mo, Maureen.
The long term sick and infirm:-
George, Peter, Diana, Keith, Rob.
The Ministry Team:-
Wendy, Ruth, Fiona, Marilyn and Rhona.


If you would like to have the candle lit for a week
for a particular prayer / thanksgiving /
commemoration, etc., please send a £5 donation to
Debbie Smith, clearly marking your donation as
being for the candle. Details of your intention can
be emailed to:-
so that a mention of the commemoration, etc., can
appear in the Sunday Sheet. 

Stoke Damerel Parish Church is a hybrid church
open for public worship and private prayer and all
services will be live streamed.
By attending a live streamed service, you give
implied permission to have your image captured
on CCTV and to be broadcast as participant in the

In order to watch the livestreamed services please
‘click’ on this link to
make your way to YouTube site:

Sunday 21 July                8th Sunday after Trinity
0800 Said Holy Eucharist
Celebrant: Rev Dr Sacha Pearce
1000 Sung Parish Eucharist
Celebrant: Rev Sue Nicholas

Wednesday 24 July
1000 Morning Prayer

Sunday 28 July                9th Sunday after Trinity
0800 Said Holy Eucharist
Celebrant: Rev Brian Wood
1000 Sung Parish Eucharist
Celebrant: Rt Rev’d James Grier, Bishop of Plymouth
1130 PCC meeting

To the Rev’d Sue Nicholas who returns to preside
over our 10am Eucharist today and to Rev’d Dr
Sacha Pearce from Derriford Hospital Chaplaincy
who joins us for the first time at 8am today.
Next Sunday Bishop James will be presiding and
preaching at 10am.
There will also be a PCC meeting after the service
next Sunday before we take a break in August and
meet again in September.

Debbie has reported that the Summer
Fair funds keep on coming! There are
more plants still for sale if anyone wants to
purchase some in church on Sunday.
The breakdown so far is as follows:

Kitchen            £241.50
Cakes                £118.60
Bric-a -Brac   £176.65
Raffle                £171.00
Plants               £469.75
Donation         £50.00
Table rent       £185.00

Total taken     £1412.50
Less kitchen expenses of £99.05

TOTAL PROFIT = £1313.45

Thank you to everyone who contributed in any
way, either by donations or helping on the day,
or just by spreading the word!
Our Christmas Fair will take place on Friday and
Saturday 22nd and 23rd November.

I have just come back from collecting Ross for the
final time this academic year. As you can imagine,
he is delighted to be looking forward to six weeks
off school! I’m hoping the weather will be kind to
us for at least a few days as I plan to get us out
using our National Trust membership. Let’s
remember all the teachers who will continue to
work hard during the summer to prepare for their
students return in September. When Ross returns
he’ll be choosing which subjects to study for
With some nicer weather this week I’ve managed
to get out to enjoy the sunshine, although I must
admit that with temperatures in the high 20s it has
been a bit much for me! With the slightly dreary
weather we’ve been experiencing I have taken the
opportunity to read some of the non-theological
books which I have neglected over the past few
years. During my academic break last year I set
myself the task of finishing one of my theological
readers, one written by the wonderful Alister
McGrath. Whilst it’s written in a very accessible
way and always provides excellent references in
I’m happy to say that I have set myself no task this
time; I shall be spending my summer resting from
any theological textbooks! We are even taking a
short break from Bible study over the summer and
will meet again in September, when we will
continue to watch ‘The Chosen’. I think it’s a good
thing to take some rest, and if Jesus took short
breaks then that’s a good enough example for me!
I hope you are all able to take a break this week.
With love and prayers


What a splendid event this year: financially better
than others, with a large contribution from the
wonderful array of plants which are still available
at the concert on Friday and no doubt again on
Sunday, before the Children’s Corner is liberated
of pianos and foliage!! We had a super range of
goods for sale and thanks to Fr Keith: rather more
bric-a-brac than usual.

EFFICIENTLY, both members of our congregation
and our regular supportive and helpful friends.
We are a well honed team, ready for the challenges
of the Christmas Fair over a two day period on
November 22nd and 23rd.

Scott Angel visits us
First time to see Scott in his new dog collar. He’ll
be fully qualified in a year’s time and offering to
help fill in if he has a free Sunday!

Eric Farrar, Jerry Cresswell.

Sep 7 Devon Historic Churches Open Day
Oct 13 Harvest Thanksgiving
Oct 20 St. Luke’s Thanksgiving
Nov 22/23 Christmas Fair


Back in May I wrote a couple of articles about
Dr. Richard Dunning who, along with his friend
Dr. Edward Jenner, had perfected the vaccine to
combat Smallpox. Jenner wrote acknowledging
that Dunning gave the word vaccination to the
world. In 1841 Dunning was living only a short
walk from Stoke church at no. 8 Albemarle Villas,
one of an exclusive row of eight large, detached
houses. Over the years a number of prominent and
famous people have lived in this short road. I did
indicate that I would write about these residents in
weeks to come. Today, a little later than intended,
I will recount the story of the first of these well-
known people, although this character can more
accurately be described as ‘infamous’. He was
born at the other end, in no. 2 Albemarle Villas
(see below).

Commander Malcolm Kingsford de Moncy
Burgess RN and his wife, Evelyn Mary, were
living at this address when, on 16 th . April 1911
the first of their two sons was born. Guy Burgess
was to go on to spy for the Soviet Union. Prior to
university he had attended Eton and the Royal
Naval College, Dartmouth. He seems to have been
destined to betray his country when he joined the
Communist Party after becoming a student at
Cambridge University, in 1930. Four years later he
met Arnold Deutsch who was a Soviet spy and,
that year, Burgess visited Moscow. Whilst there he
indicated the names of others at the university who
could possibly also be recruited as spies. These
were John Cairncross, Kim Philby, Donald
Maclean and Anthony Blunt. They eventually
became known as ‘The Cambridge five’.
It seems almost impossible to believe that, prior to
World War Two, Burgess obtained employment
with MI6 and became a producer at the BBC for
‘The Week in Westminster’, mixing with
prominent British politicians. After 1944 he was in
the News Department of the Foreign Office. Then
he was appointed assistant to the Minister of State
in the Foreign Office, Hector McNeil. His heavy
drinking caused him to be disciplined in the late
1940’s and he was sent to work in the Washington
Embassy. In 1951, the beginnings of a major spy
scandal first broke in Britain. On 25th. May,
Burgess and Maclean both suddenly disappeared.
On 11th. May, Burgess had been sent back to
England. There were also suspicions about
Maclean, and he was due to be interviewed on
28th. May. However, this never happened as they
had both already fled the country, across the
channel on the steamship ‘Falaise’, and over
Europe by train to a pre-arranged meeting in the
Soviet Embassy in Zurich and then, with Russian
identity papers, on to the USSR. On 7th. June that
year the Daily Express broke the story, offering a
reward of £1,000 for information.
It was estimated that, over many years, Burgess
passed thousands of documents, including in
excess of 550 top secret documents, to the

His life ended after 12 years in Russia, when he
was only 52, the end brought on by poor diet and
an excessive intake of alcohol.
Maclean died, in Moscow, on 6 th . March 1983,
aged 69.
Philby defected and joined the other two after
finally being unmasked as a Soviet agent in 1963.
He died in 1988, aged 76.
Blunt was discovered and given immunity in 1964
but his involvement was not made public until
1979. He continued to live and work as an eminent
art historian in Britain until his death in 1983, aged
Cairncross was the fifth spy but was not
discovered by MI6 until long after the end of
World War Two. He was never charged and lived
until 1995 when he died, aged 82.
Tony Barnard
Hubb Support, 17/08/2020